




Noteworthy Classics

FedEx ‘Drama’

This is 1 of 7 spots in a long running campaign - Cannes Winner, Best Campaign Gold Lion / One Show, Gold and Silver and many more.

BBDO NY / FedEx Campaign  (1 of  8 )
Role: Concept development / Art Director

Guinness ‘Brilliant!’

This campaing was the launch of Guinness Draft in a bottle -
it became an iconic series for over 8 years - including an AICP Best Art Direction and a MOMA  Collection (2 of Many in a series)  

BBDO NY / Guinness Campaign
Role: Concept development / Art Director

Citi ‘Rewarding’

Fallon MN / Citibank Campaign (2 of 5)
Role: Concept development / GCD / Art Director

Embassy Suites

This campaign was a 180 degree turn for Embassy Suites Hotel. It proved to be popular on youtube channels with unprecedented love for it’s sharp witty humor. Winner of multiple awards includding OneShow merit. 

CHIAT NY / Embassy Suites Campaign (1 of 8)
Role: Concept development / CD / Art Director

Nextel “Ants”

A new Launch for Nextel - AICP Best Art Direction and part of the MOMA  Collection (1 of 2 Launch spots) 

CHIAT NY / Sprint Campaign (1 of 2)
Role: Concept development / GCD / Art Director

Sprint ‘Dots’

CHIAT NY / Sprint  
Role: Writer / AD / CD